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A+ For Teachers
CourseConfused about the various types of assessments out there? Learn about the different types of assessments and how to best conduct them.
Grade 4-8
Preschool by Design
Course"Where do I start?" A hands-on session for you to get real practice planning and designing curriculum units.
Grade 4-8
Aleph Bais in Action
CourseThe Aleph-Bais of teaching Aleph-Bais.
Grade 4-8
Neviim Acharonim: The Broad Picture and Me
CourseExplore a framework to teach Navi by Inyan, knowing that your students leave the Inyan with enduring understanding.
Grade 4-8
All Inclusive Yahadus
CourseA novel framework for teaching Yahadus for students to gain a wealth of knowledge and appreciate the unique growth opportunities each Yom Tov offers.
Grade 4-8
Simply Chumash
CourseThe no-student-left-behind method to help every child unlock every passuk.
Grade 4-8