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Brains Go Busy
CourseTrain students to do some serious thinking work for new-level involvement in Chumash/Navi.
Grade 4-8
Navi and Me
CourseUse a Navi framework (combines proper inyan division and key concepts) to allow each sefer's message to reach your students.
Grade 4-8
Thinking is IN!
CourseCreate easy places in your lessons for great thinking - no matter the subject.
Grade 4-8
Lessons by Design
CourseA framework for successful lessons.
Grade 4-8
Emunah in Their Language
CourseExplore the core truths of Emunah for yourself and inspire your students.
Grade 4-8
The New Norm: I Love Chumash
CourseHelp students develop clarity and fluency with the text, inyan by inyan. An all inclusive approach to enable students to learn Chumash independently.
Grade 4-8